Simple State Machines in Kotlin (KSSM)
The Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.Android Startup提供一种在应用启动时能够更加简单、高效的方式来初始化组件。开发人员可以使用Android Startup来简化启动序列,并显式地设置初始化顺序与组件之间的依赖关系。 与此同时,Android Startup支持同步与异步等待,并通过有向无环图拓扑排序的方式来保证内部依赖组件的初始化顺序。
Linenoise built with Android NDK, packaged as an Android library with Java binding.
A Real-time Fps Tool for Android.一个能实时显示fps,一段时间的平均帧率,以及帧率范围占比,并能获取卡顿堆栈的可视化工具。侵入性低,通过在异步线程采样获取堆栈,无代码侵入,性能消耗可忽略,对性能监控项的异常数据进行采集和分析,整理输出展示相应的堆栈,从而帮助开发者开发出更高质量的应用。
PopKorn is a simple, powerful and lightweight Multiplatform Dependency Injector written 100% Kotlin. It doesn't need any boilerplate, just use it! It supports AND, IOS, JVM, JS and NATIVE.
A Kotlin-first SDK for Firebase
An Android Widget for selecting items that rotate on a wheel.
An annotation and Kotlin compiler plugin for enforcing a when statement is exhaustive
A simple navigation library for Android
A multiplatform assertion library for Kotlin
YouTube Player library for Android and Chromecast, stable and customizable.
Add screenshots to your Android tests
A top version of BottomSheetDialog
A flexible theme provider for Jetpack Compose. Supports dynamic theme changes and saving theme preference.
A Simple Android library to get the number of words and give you the time it will take you to finish an article/story.
Wrapper of FusedLocationProviderClient for Android to support modern usage like LiveData and Flow
Android App 应用内更新的下载,储存,安装 ,未知来源等问题处理
A gradle plugin to run your verification tasks only on modules affected by the latest changes.
Warning on new versions available even when using Kotlin-DSL plugin.
Gradle Plugin to automatically upgrade your gradle project dependencies and send a GitHub pull request with the changes
A Gradle Plugin to determine which modules were affected by a set of files in a commit.
An annotation and Kotlin compiler plugin for enforcing a when statement is exhaustive
Performance comparison of Android ORM Frameworks
Retrofit + OkHttp3 + coroutines + LiveData打造一款网络请求框架
Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
An Android app to watch anime on your phone without ads.
Guide to setup JetBrains Projector and access Android Studio from any device
移动应用上传下载竟然如此简单、移动 App 应用分发系统 Over The Air Server for deployment of Android and iOS apps
Add new features for reverse engineering, such as: renaming of classes, fields, methods, variables, reference graphs and more.
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