A colorful SeekBar for picking color
a dynamic java method hook framework on ART runtime, it can intercept almost all java method calls in this process.
A timezone data management library for the JVM and Android targeting java.time APIs in Java 8+
A Simple PDF Viewer library which only occupies around 125kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies upto 16MB space.
a library to help implementing an authentication by a PIN code in a secure manner.
The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Android
A smart tool for android download,support BreakPoint、MultiTask and MultiThread.
Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
LiveData 数据倒灌:别问,问就是不可预期 - Perfect alternative to SingleLiveEvent, supporting multiple observers.
An android library to simplify the usage of Google Play services location APIs, to get the user's most precise live location via a callback!
Kotlin extensions (KTX) for the Places SDK for Android
一个可以配置阴影方向和颜色的类 CardView 控件 SCardView
Some very useful kotlin extensions for speed android development!好用到爆的Kotlin扩展,加速你的Android开发!
A highly expandable Android library for decoupling the code of toolbar or loading status view. (深度解耦标题栏或加载中、加载失败、无数据等视图)
A native Rich text editor for android based on Markwon library with export to Markdown option
This library provides an activity to show list of images in full screen with pinch to zoom support.
A lightweight bottom navigation view, fully customizable with an indicator and animations.
A gradle plugin that decouples through detach interface and its implementation.这是一个将接口和实现完全分离的 gradle 插件,适用于在使用第三方框架时进行解耦的场景
This repository contains some tricks about Android Navigation Component. 3rd party libraries not used.
Utility to extract and repack Android backups created with adb backup (ICS+). Largely based on from AOSP.
Mirror the touch/key/button events of one device onto one or more other devices in real-time
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