Android开发技术周报 Issue#135

Android开发技术周报 Issue#135

June 26, 2017 0 条评论 AndroidDevWeekly


  1. 不是奥利奥?Android 8.0或叫“燕麦饼干”

  2. 代码暗示HTC将为谷歌代工Pixel 2:首发安卓8.0

  3. Google发布新款字体 可以为任何设计做出改变

  4. Google再次从官方商店下架伪装成合法程序的恶意应用

  5. [多图]回顾Android一直怎样在速度上追赶iOS


  1. 客户端自动化测试研究

  2. Android 混淆那些事儿

  3. H5 直播避坑指南

  4. 开箱即用的 WebRTC 开发环境

开源库 & App

  1. duo-navigation-drawer

    A flexible, easy to use, unique drawer library for your Android project.

  2. VectorMaster

    Dynamic control over vector drawables!

  3. GeoJson-Viewer

    View GeoJson files on your Android Device

  4. PrivacyStreams

    Access and process various types of personal data in Android with an easy, uniform, and privacy-friendly API.

  5. TagViewGroup

    Android 仿小红书图片标签,实现了图片标签的动画,布局,水波纹,编辑等功能,还可以自定义 Tag

  6. cardslider-android

    Cardslider is a controller that allows you to swipe through cards with pictures and accompanying descriptions.

  7. XhsEmoticonsKeyboard


  8. AgentWeb

    基于 Android WebView 一个功能完善小型浏览器库

  9. KRefreshLayout


  10. okreplay

    📼 Record and replay OkHttp network interaction in your tests.

  11. composer

    Reactive Android Instrumentation Test Runner.

  12. TriangulationDrawable

    Triangulation Animation on Android.

  13. BoardView

    A draggable boardview for java android (Kanban style)

  14. EffortlessPermissions

    基于 Google EasyPermissions 进行扩展的动态权限库

  15. MaterialFabSpeedDial

    Android UI library of FAB speed dial

  16. android-api-SecureKeys

    A tiny lib (Less than 10 methods) to store constants where attackers will have a harder time to find.

  17. Android CustomTabs

    Chrome CustomTabs for Android demystified.


  1. PSD to Sketch Design Converter

    Convert your Photoshop design to a Sketch file

  2. Shields.IO


  3. android-event-recorder

    A tool to record/replay input event for android platform

  4. Web Tracing Framework

    Rich tools for instrumenting, analyzing, and visualizing web apps.
    Make your app jank-free at 60fps!

  5. Super Shapes

    Super shapes is a sketch plugin to generate complex cool shapes using super formula.

  6. Sketch Search Everywhere

    Sketch plugin for searching layer and selecting it.


  1. 10個值得關注的 Youtube 設計頻道

  2. 从 Things 3 来聊聊如何将设计理念融入到产品设计中


  1. Now UI Kit – A Bootstrap 4 UI kit


  1. 从运营角度,谈谈优惠券的玩法与套路

  2. 培养产品感的四种方法


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