ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 beta 5

ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 beta 5

我们很高兴地宣布 ConstraintLayout 2.0 beta 5 发布了。

它可以从谷歌的 maven 仓库中获取:

dependencies {  
    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta5'  

或者使用 包:

dependencies {  
    implementation ''


Bug 修复

我们在 beta 5中修复了几个问题——建议在使用旧版本的进行升级,特别是已经在使用 MotionLayout 的。

[2.0.0-beta4] First tap lost in a scrolling view contained in a MotionLayout 146413738
ConstraintLayout Group - Changing visibility when using INVISIBLE doesn't work correctly 130524019
[MotionLayout] - NestedScrollView + RecyclerView + variable size header on click 138035155
[MotionLayout] does not expand to wrap content inside RecyclerView item 138312805
MotionLayout drag doesn't work after fling in RecyclerView 141319444
Flow : Set only vertical style, but applied both vertical and horizontal style 141809028
CustomView as part of a CollapsibleToolbar (MotionLayout) extends beyond it's bounds when scrolling up 143971662
Flow doesn't handle gaps correctly with wrapMode=chain 144298723
MotionLayout packed horizontal chain style does not work for RTL locales 144301446
Incorrect behavior with GONE views used in Flow helper 144388675
Percentage Constraint not working properly in Constraint Flow Layout 144667391
Constraint Flow layout rows are getting overlapped 144668321
Problem with chained widgets 144987885
deriveConstraintsFrom doesn't seem to derive custom attributes 145977578
[2.0.0-beta04] layout_constraintVertical_bias is 0.5 like 1 146591537
ConstraintLayout 1.1 bug or undocumented change 77991323
MotionLayout: View shakes after list scroll 126123628
Changing visibility not redrawing layout 127623474
NPE on tap when scene not assigned 137286955
MotionLayout set Transition Listener 139481711
layout_constraintDimensionRatio stays applied after a move to another ConstraintSet in MotionLayout 140263105
touchRegionId doesn't work properly for Motion Layout 142498322
[ConstraintLayout 2.0.0-beta-2] MotionLayout: Calling transitionToState too quickly results in MotionLayout getting into a bad state 142698005
Nested MotionLayout gets stuck on scroll even with motion:onTouchUp="autoComplete" 143501796
MotionLayout visibilityMode="ignore" doesn't work with deriveConstraintsFrom 144795175
Padding start/end/vertical/horizontal not working in Constraint Layout Flow 146265835
setTransition(id) method request 146537011
The Layout deforms by itself. 146794818
CL 2.0 beta 4 chain biases and gone views 146920079
Flow elevation problem 148483377


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