本次更新修复如下 Bug:
Android Gradle Plugin
- Issue #158201643: ExtractAnnotations should be compatible with configuration caching
- Issue #37122098: Fix renderscriptNdk
- Issue #155215177: Android gradle build: excluded java source files get compiled:
Code Analysis
- Issue #36978767: Add corresponding Intention for inspection "Toast created but not shown: did you forget to call show() "
- Issue #62405955: (Feature request) Provide inspection for missing show() call on Snackbar
Database Inspector
- Issue #157461456: Database inspector disappear from toolbar
- Issue #159575631: Simple (and complex) query using With clause doesn't work on the Database Inspector
- Issue #158874142: Studio clipboard does not pick up clipboard selection from the emulator
- Issue #140626689: False positive for Service.onStartCommand return value WrongConstant check
- Issue #119711823: "Invalid format string" lint rule doesn't report issue for a space in patern "% s"
- Issue #136534380: "Buttons in button bars should be borderless" warning in a layout XML doesn't have an auto-fix option
- Issue #77299597: "Combining ellipsize=middle and maxLines=1..." warning should not show when minSdkVersion is 23 or higher
- Issue #74058591: "Unexpected failure during lint analysis" for invalid replace string quick fix masks actual problem
- Issue #111035260: "enable 'LogConditional'" doesn't enable check
- Issue #37053735: "Unexpected cast" Inspection should offer replacement suggestion
- Issue #62810553: "android:host is missing" for uris with null host
- Issue #158295165: Android Lint: Unknown Issue IDs should NOT break the build
- Issue #158189490: NewApi lint check does not factor in usage of core library desugaring
- Issue #158406168: Navigation component Illegal circular reference among navigation files when traversing navigation file references starting with navigationXmlId
New Code/Templates
- Issue #37105561: UX: Bad proportions in new layout resource window
- Issue #151480852: Bug: color preview in colors.xml file can show the wrong one, referenced by a different qualifier
SDK Manager
- Issue #159176695: cmdline-tools on mac packaged incorrectly
View Binding
- Issue #158065847: Autocomplete for binding classes in Android Studio 4.0 could be better
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