本次更新修复的 Bug 如下:
Android Gradle Plugin
- Issue #154069245: Jacoco task reprocessed the same files too many times - incremental builds
- Issue #157446242: build\build-attribution\androidGradlePluginAttributionData: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
- Issue #157888755: versionName wrong in output.json file after building .apk
- Issue #140747218: Improve error messages for exceptions thrown from Jetifier
Dexer (D8)
- Issue #157806261: One or more instruction is preventing default interface method from being desugared: java.util.function.Consumer it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.CharConsumer.andThen(java.util.function.Consumer)
- Issue #158815562: Desugaring: static methods don't work for subclasses
- Issue #156142802: Backport changes that made D8 lenient with non-sense line numbers and local variable table
- Issue #148661132: Assertion error on valid locals info
- Issue #158124557: Library desugaring does not rewrite generic signature
- Issue #158018185: When using "make project", AS reports build failures when using Kotlin DSL in buildSrc
Shrinker (R8)
- Issue #157966650: R8 2.0.74 raise NullPointerException with -dontobfuscate option.
- Issue #158432019: IncompatibleClassChangeError happens with R8 + Kotlin object + Java lambda
- Issue #158018192: R8 2.0.74 produces invalid dex file when build "release" mode
- Issue #157223339: R8 2.0.74 Return of service loader rewrite issues
- Issue #157926129: minifyReleaseWithR8 throws java.lang.StackOverflowError after updating Gradle Plugin to 4.0.0
- Issue #146447085: Cannot run Android Instrumented Tests on Simulator with API < 21
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