a UiTest framework based on Espresso, UIAutomator and Kakao and assisting to write right and no-pain ui tests.
Android Debug Bridge helper written in Kotlin
Reflective and code gen implementations for serializing Kotlin sealed classes via Moshi polymorphic adapters.
该类库利用 Kotlin 语言特性合理封装了 Android 开发中的常用操作,同时也收集了开发过程中的常用工具类。 旨在做同样的事情,写最少的代码,提升开发效率。
an alternative API for IdlingResources in Espresso tests. You can use BusyBee instead of CountingIdlingResource to get better log messages and improve your ability to debug problems related to IdlingResources.
A ViewPager and PagerAdapter combination that support auto scroll, infinite loop and page indicators.
a project that contains custom Android Lint checks for frequently occurred mistakes we usually notice during our team's merge reviews. By applying these lint checks you don't need to care about the mistakes they can prevent.
A library for testing Kotlin and Java annotation processors, compiler plugins and code generation
帮助Android开发者快速实现常见渲染效果,比如:圆角、边框、文字描边或空心效果、展示最多 2 个 Drawable 以及控制大小及位置、渐变色背景、触摸变色、展示图片,包括网络图片、为图片设置圆角和边框、修改 Drawable 的颜色和旋转角度、文字渐变色效果、为 Drawable 区域单独设置点击事件、支持 Gif 图展示、为 Gif 图添加边框,以及圆角、支持 Gif 图暂停/播放、修改帧率
支持提取指定 **Gif 帧 -
A Kotlin In App Purchase library that lets you easily manage your billing process in Android
Parallax scrolling either by offset or automatically.
Convenience extension methods for android's auto-generated /res folder R. class.
Convenient logger that adds support to having multiple different loggers and different log levels for each one of them. e.g. LogcatLogger, CrashlyticsLogger, On-Device-Weblogging, UDP (e.g. Papertrail), SystemLogging.
On device extracting images from videos - creating video from images.
an library that makes it even easier to work with Google Room Library and SQLite Databases.
A simple library to prevent debounce click on Android widget,convert into RxJava.
A LEGO® Catalog app illustrating current Android Architecture state using Android development best practices.
Android Views and Widgets Samples Repository
This repository contains a set of individual Android Studio projects to help you get started writing/understanding Android views and widgets features.
Android User Interface Samples Repository
Multiple samples showing the best practices in user-interface on Android.
This is a sample app demonstrating UX/UI animations using MotionLayout.
Gradle plugin to enable Kotlin build configuration secrets for Kotlin, Kotlin-Native / Multiplatform.
A BuildConfig plugin for Gradle java projects
一个用于删除apk中无用的 java resources 的 gradle plugin
Gradle task type and plugin for interacting with
🎨 Flutter Material Theme editor
一款 macOS 定时自动隐藏或退出程序的工具,由著名开发者 Marco Arment(Instapaper、Overcast 的作者)开发,旨在减少注意力分散,更加专注眼前工作。
一款可以在任务栏、桌面、TouchBar上进行摸鱼的最强的跨平台摸鱼神器,支持小说、股票、按键翻页、鼠标翻页、自动翻页让你体验不同的工作 996,上班族必备神器
A framework for automated extraction of static and dynamic features from Android applications
Manage your Java environment
Open anything on your android phone
a JVM tracing tool that helps you troubleshoot application behaviour. It works at JVM level and supports languages like Java, Groovy, Clojure, etc.
中文 DOS 游戏合集
维度:数学漫步完整版 by 斯坦福桥科技Frank大叔
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