Android开发技术周报 Issue#174

Android开发技术周报 Issue#174

April 09, 2018 0 条评论 AndroidDevWeekly


  1. 谷歌意外偷跑Pixel 3:搭载Android 9.0

  2. Google发布2018年4月Android安全补丁:修复60多处安全漏洞


  1. Kotlin官方教程大合集

  2. Android P 加密程序变更

开源库 & App

  1. BottomNavigationViewEx


  2. Android Architecture Components samples

    A collection of samples using the Android Data Binding Library

  3. Gnirehtet

    Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android

  4. EasyBridge

    这是一种区别于已有的 jsbridge 框架的新的设计,基于 Android 的 addJavaScriptInterface() 特性进行设计,在实现原理上能够提供同步和异步两种调用方式。

  5. Chat21 Android SDK

    Android Chat SDK built on Firebase

  6. Android Ruler Picker

    Android custom view that uses ruler for picking the number from given rang

  7. ChatView

    This is an Android library which can be used to add chat functionality to your android application with just a few lines of code

  8. Custom-Navigation-Drawer

    Custom Navigation Drawer Library for Android

  9. Collapsible-Calendar-View-Android

    Collapsible CalendarView is a simple calendar view which can be collapsed and expanded to save space

  10. StateProgressBar

    Android library to realize the various states and transitions in a ProgressBar

  11. StickySwitch

    beautiful switch widget with sticky animation

  12. ArcToolbarView

    An Arc view for the android Toolbar or anywhere

  13. AndroidMaterialDialog

    Provides builders, which allow to create various "Material Design"-styled dialogs

  14. StateViews

    Create & Show progress, data or error views, the easy way!

  15. RuntimePermission

    Simpliest way to ask runtime permissions on Android, no need to extend class or override permissionResult method, choose your way : Kotlin / Coroutines / RxJava / Java7 / Java8

  16. Android TensorFlow Lite Machine Learning Example

    About Android TensorFlow Lite Machine Learning Example

  17. ImagePicker-android
    Gallery select internal/external storage images in Oreo 8.0 and below version Camera taken image using camera

  18. Hyperion

    App Debugging & Inspection Tool for Android


  1. adbkit

    A pure Node.js client for the Android Debug Bridge

  2. Rainbow Brackets

    Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs

  3. gradle-dependency-graph-generator-plugin

    Gradle plugin that generates dependency graphs from your project

  4. RapidMavenPushPlugin

    A Gradle plugin : Upload your library Artifacts to Multi Maven Repository.


  1. 国内使用 Kotlin 开发 App 的情况统计

    Kotlin 抱上 Google 的大腿也快一年了,而且 Kotlin 的版本最近也发了 1.2.30 的新版本,Google 还发不一份 Android Kotlin Guides(,而且最近发现 Google 出的 Android 开发相关视频和教程里示例代码都是 Kotlin 的,所以想统计下国内目前有哪些比较知名的 App 已经全部或者部分使用 Kotlin 开发了,过段时间之后我会公布统计的结果。


  1. OpenSimpleLidar

    Open Hardware scanning laser rangefinder


  1. Web Developer Roadmap 2018


  1. 全套 AR 应用设计攻略都在这里!


  1. 关于提升业务开发团队技术追求的一点想法

  2. 从抄书到开源之巅:章亦春的程序人生

  3. 我们应该如何理解美团收购摩拜


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