Android开发技术周报 Issue#82


  1. 谷歌为Android N公开征名,印度神甜点拔头筹


  1. 当数学遇上动画:讲述ValueAnimator、TypeEvaluator和TimeInterpolator之间的恩恩怨怨

  2. Android开发:最详细的 Toolbar 开发实践总结

  3. 深入浅出Android打包


  1. InstaCapture

    Android library to capture screenshot from your app

  2. Folio

    A Page based navigation framework for Android with a simplified lifecycle and easy transition animations

  3. Multibackstack

    Implementation of the multiple back stacks.

  4. Android Hidden API

    一个可以让你访问 Android 的隐藏 Api 和 内部资源的库

  5. android-drag-square


  6. DTMarkdownParser

    Markdwon 解析器

  7. trigger

    Simple command pattern helper class

  8. FlycoSystemBar


  9. FaceOffToggleButton

    Toggle button which shows a happy face for checked or unhappy for unchecked.

  10. Constraints

    Sample application for the new Android ConstraintLayout

  11. mintube

    Minimized YouTube for Android


  1. Google I/O 2016: Android 演讲视频汇总

  2. Google I/O 2016: Firebase 演讲及介绍视频

  3. Google I/O 2016: Web 技术视频汇总


  1. Deco IDE

    React Native 集成开发工具

  2. android-arscblamer

    ArscBlamer is a command-line tool that can parse an Android app's resources.arsc file and extract useful, actionable information about its contents