Android 开发技术周报 Issue#230


  1. Project Mainline导致Android Q设备强制自动重启 引发用户不满

  2. 谷歌高管证实Android R将原生支持屏幕滚动截图

  3. 谷歌开始推送新的Smart Display UI:主屏幕已重新设计

  4. 谷歌发布搜索与语音助手“小程序”:即将开放试用


  1. ConstraintLayout 介绍与实战

  2. 一文看懂:Android Q版本在安全方面进行了哪些系统性改进

  3. Android 性能优化系列 - 01 手把手教你使用 systrace

开源库 & App

  1. GlideToVectorYou

    Load SVGs in Android with Glide

  2. Knot

    Reactive state container for Kotlin

  3. Hystrix

    a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.

  4. Sweep Gson

    (un)wrapping extensions for Gson.

  5. WatchTower

    Observe OKHttp API Calls With Request And Response Details Right In Your Browser!

  6. Openticator

    Another authenticator implementation

  7. TubiPlayer

    A media streaming video player based on ExoPlayer from google, with convenience methods for ad supported content

  8. MaterialFiles
    一个开源的 Material Design 文件管理器,适用于 Android 5.0+。

  9. StateMachine

    A Kotlin DSL for finite state machine

  10. PdfBox-Android

    The Apache PdfBox project ported to work on Android

  11. FocusLayoutManager


  12. firefox-tv

    Firefox for Amazon's Fire TV

  13. NetGuard
    A simple way to block access to the internet per application


  1. Gradle Android So Excluder Plugin

    此插件可以根据 buildType 或者 flavor 来过滤 so 文件


  1. nps


  2. ServerStatus



  1. 从零开始构建 JavaScript 技术栈 - 中文版

    该指南讲的都是一些可实操的知识。即使是这样,阅读者还是需要具备一些简单的编程知识和 JavaScript 基础。 教程的核心是把各种工具结合起来 并且为每一种工具提供了 最简单的例子。

  2. Readme Best Practices

    开源项目 README 文件最佳实践


  1. Confetti

    Generate gorgeous confetti patterns in 1 click.

  2. Sketch to Web

    Turn your Sketch design into a website, visually, in minutes.


  1. 开源是自由的,永远

  2. hacker-laws


  3. Don't panic! --- SpaceX