Android 开发技术周报 Issue#225


  1. [图]谷歌Play商城启用圆角矩形图标设计规范 6月24日强制生效

  2. Google意外发布了Fuchsia OS的第一个“候选版本”

  3. 为避免罚款 谷歌现允许Android用户选择搜索App

  4. Play商城即将上线预算功能 即将超过限额时会发出警告通知

  5. 谷歌宣布改变政策以提高Play商店中应用质量

  6. 谷歌通过Google Play商店首次发布Android系统更新


  1. 深入浅出Android BufferQueue-下

  2. Android 端图像多风格迁移

开源库 & App

  1. Flashbar

    ⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android.

  2. Kotlin Serialization Converter

    A Retrofit 2 Converter.Factory for Kotlin serialization.

  3. Flutter4GitLab

    A glitlab client made by flutter. Support Android & IOS.

  4. RxWorkManagerObservers

    This library contains a set of extension functions to the WorkManager and LiveData allowing to observe enqueued work in a reactive manner.

  5. MethodScope

    🍡 Reduce repetitive inheritance works in OOP world using @MethodScope.

  6. WaterDrink

    💧 Simple water drink reminder application based MVP architecture. This open source project won the second prize at the Seoul mobile platform contest in 2016.


  1. Pine

    A modern, native macOS markdown editor

  2. Gridea



  1. 对字符串匹配算法的一点理解


  1. Matisse

    With this handy little plugin you can assign super quick keyboard shortcuts for your Global Colors.

  2. Arrange Artboards Hierarchically plugin to arrange artboards hierarchically depending on their name

  3. Maze 2.0

    a user testing platform that turns yourlogo prototype into actionable insights from real users, bringing confidence to the design process.

  4. Compiler

    A streamlined export manager that lets you group and rename layers, and export to multiple locations from Sketch.

  5. Artboard presets for social media images

    Sketch Plugin - Artboard presets for social media images