Android 开发技术周报 Issue#221


  1. Android Pie如何快捷分享文件至特定App

  2. 谷歌招聘Node工程师 新系统Fuchsia有望支持JS

  3. Android Q要来了 但很可能又是一次鸡肋更新

  4. KaiOS势头迅猛引谷歌眼红,安卓或将进军功能机市场

  5. Android Q开始支持对所有通知使用聊天气泡


  1. Android技术架构演进与未来

  2. Gson源码解析和它的设计模式

  3. Litho的使用及原理剖析

  4. 你真的了解webview么?

开源库 & App

  1. SVC

    Easy and intuitive pattern library for Android

  2. Music visualization

    A light-weight sample how to visualize sound via Audio Visualizer for Android.

  3. Calligraphy


  4. Flopsy

    A cute little bunny animation that responds to text field interactions.

  5. Gloading

    深度解耦Android App中全局加载中、加载失败及空数据视图


  1. Poedit


  2. mas-cli

    命令行版的 Mac App Store

  3. gita

    管理多个 git 库的命令行工具。可以同时显示多个库的状态信息,以及在任何目录下代理执行 git 指令


  1. Vempathy for Sketch

    Get feedback on your design where it matters: users emotional reactions.

  2. Envato Elements

    Exclusive access to free, high-quality UI kits and templates.

  3. Date and Time Data Plugin

    Sketch data plugin generating random dates and times

  4. Colourise

    A deep learning colouriser prototype specifically for old Singaporean photos.

  5. Stark

    The plugin to help you design and build products that are accessible, ethical, and inclusive.


  1. 小林和腾讯不得不说的故事(完整篇)