Android 开发技术周报 Issue#217


  1. Google I/O开发者大会门票随机抽奖活动已开启 门票价$1150

  2. 觊觎已久终于下手 传谷歌下月将发布一款游戏主机

  3. 谷歌敦促国内第三方应用商城将目标API级别提至26(Android 8)

  4. 安卓10.0内测版出现新版手势操作:取消返回键、全靠Home胶囊完成

  5. Android平台下的Switch模拟器MonoNX早期版本现身


  1. 在Java 中安全使用接口引用

  2. Android Pie 引入 Keystore 新特性,安全防护再升级

开源库 & App

  1. Kolley

    用 Kotlin 基于 Volley 为网络请求定制的 DSL

  2. ImagePicker

    提供快速从系统相机、图库UI或文档UI选择图片并裁剪的功能。包含Android 6.0开始动态权限申请以及7.0文件协议(FileProvider)的处理

  3. Shaky

    Shake to send feedback for Android.

  4. DevFun

    Annotation based developer targeted library. Call any function from anywhere from a nice UI or web interface.

  5. RxSmartLock

    Reactive implementation of the Google Smart Lock for passwords

  6. Popcorn Time for Android

    a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player


  1. DroidAssist

    一个轻量级的 Android 字节码编辑插件,基于 Javassist 对字节码操作,根据 xml 配置处理 class 文件,以达到对 class 文件进行动态修改的效果。

  2. TranslationPlugin

    🔌Translation plugin for JetBrains IDE/Android Studio


  1. Snapdrop

    local file sharing in your browser - inspired by Apple's Airdrop.

  2. act

    Run your GitHub Actions locally

  3. Prettier

    an opinionated code formatter

  4. SwitchHosts

    一款快速切换 Hosts 工具,支持 Win,Mac 和 Linux

  5. QuickLook

    Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows

  6. DB Browser for SQLite

    a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite.


  1. 太鼓达人网页版


  1. React Native Training

    一本开源的 React Native 教程

  2. 一份开源的渗透攻击教程

  3. Awesome⭐️Style Guide

    A list of awesome style guide. The list is divided into categories such as Programming Languages, Architecture, Platforms, Frameworks.


  1. 设计与人工智能 | 设计师需要知道的 6 个术语



    Simple tool to find, customize and generate common SVG icons for your project


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