Android 开发技术周报 Issue#216
开源库 & App
An image picker library for Android
a cross-platform image transcoding library that can easily be integrated into an Android or iOS project to efficiently perform common image operations.
a RecyclerView.LayoutManager to display the timetable for Android.
A small Android library allowing you to have a smooth and customizable circular ProgressBar.
Allows to trim videos on Android, including UI
flutter 最强大的 siwiper, 多种布局方式,无限轮播,Android 和 IOS 双端适配.
Android Change Skin, Android Night Mode, 安卓换肤,安卓夜间模式
Lightweight Android library for building reactive apps.
A Round ImageView that works with vectors!
一个可用于内网穿透的高性能的反向代理应用,支持 tcp, udp 协议,为 http 和 https 应用协议提供了额外的能力,且尝试性支持了点对点穿透。
A native Python cross-version decompiler and fragment decompiler.
Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
Dockerized android emulator
大家来找茬之 UI 细节
A Sketch plugin that lets you carry your most used properties close to your mouse.
A Blend tool for Sketch App.
Free Image and Photo Resizer, Perfect Sizes For Social Media And Web