Android 开发技术周报 Issue#200
开源库 & App
👍 Android Fingerprint Verification SDK
Android library for fluid tablayout animation as seen on Snapchat.
A Kotlin SharedPreferences wrapper
Efficient JPEG operations for Android without the risk of an OutOfMemoryException.
Easy Image to Video Converter.
Android AppUsageStatistics Sample
A basic app showing how to use App usage statistics API to let users collect statistics related to usage of the applications
Android native BottomSheet on steroids 💪
A view pager indicator view to deal with a large amount of pages.
Camera1 and Camera2 API wrapper that exposes simple to use interface.
A utility library for Android to save objects in a Bundle without any boilerplate
An Android library for avoiding TransactionTooLargeException during state saving and restoration
AudioThief gain and release AudioFocus.
🐝 ssh client wrapper for automatic login
gradle-kotlin-dsl-libs: painless gradle dependencies management
Android Permissions Gradle Plugin
Plugin generating a helper class to deal with the new Permissions System in Marshmallow