Android 开发技术周报 Issue#184


  1. [图]网页版Android Messages上线:在电脑端轻松收发信息

  2. 聊聊谷歌的新系统 Fuchsia 关于它的消息、传言和未来

  3. 谷歌已向Android P免root定制主题说不

  4. Google工程师谈 Android 减少碎片化的成果


  1. Android App 冷启动优化方案

  2. 美团外卖Android Crash治理之路

开源库 & App

  1. kscript

    Scripting enhancements for Kotlin

  2. dotsindicator

    Three material Dots Indicators for view pagers in Android !

  3. Creative View Pager

    Creative View Pager easy to use in Android

  4. EmotionRatingView

    EmotionRatingView was inspired by a UI/UX Demo by Adip Nayak

  5. StateMachine

    A Kotlin DSL for finite state machine

  6. TimeAgo

    This will help to get how much time have passed. Useful in showing messages, notifications time and etc.

  7. Talon for Twitter

    The Material Design version of my popular Android Talon for Twitter app, 100% open-source

  8. Scarlet

    A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android

  9. Input Mask

    User input masking library repo

  10. IncrementProductView

    Interesting concept of products incrementation

  11. PixImagePicker

    Pix is a Whatsapp image picker replica. with this you can integrate a image picker just like whatsapp.

  12. Rx Keyboard Detector

    Simple Android library to detect Keyboard opened/closed status by using RxJava2.

  13. HtmlTextView

    TextView to display simple HTML content


  1. Landslide

    Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile

  2. Sonar

    A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers.

  3. PSD to Web

    The first ever automatic conversion of photoshop® .psd files to html.
    Retain original layers including positions as html div layers


  1. 国内使用 Kotlin 开发 App 的情况统计

    Kotlin 抱上 Google 的大腿也快一年了,而且 Kotlin 的版本最近也发了 1.2.30 的新版本,Google 还发不一份 Android Kotlin Guides(,而且最近发现 Google 出的 Android 开发相关视频和教程里示例代码都是 Kotlin 的,所以想统计下国内目前有哪些比较知名的 App 已经全部或者部分使用 Kotlin 开发了,过段时间之后我会公布统计的结果。


  1. 雕虫晓技(七) 用旧Android手机做远程摄像头


  1. Awesome design patterns

    A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns


  1. Mesosphere 的设计师一般用哪些工具设计企业级软件?


  1. Sketch2AE

    A Sketch plugin to export sketch file to Adobe After Effect


  1. GitHub 的用法与礼仪