Android开发技术周报 Issue#175
开源库 & App
A Reactive Android MVP Framework which is Slick to use
With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout
a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android
This library allows easy and safer usage of BluetoothGatt in Android
Portable validations for Kotlin
A Flutter plugin allowing apps to use WebRTC DataChannel to establish P2P connection and exchange text messages
Define and apply styles to Android views programmatically
The most complete and advanced IT security professional toolkit on Android
A library provides an easy way to show skeleton loading view like Facebook and Alipay
This library is wrapped LevelDB in java with SharedPreference interface
Ethereum Wallet for Android
A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs
The Kotlin fake data generator library
The usual Snackbar, but elegant
Kotlin 抱上 Google 的大腿也快一年了,而且 Kotlin 的版本最近也发了 1.2.30 的新版本,Google 还发不一份 Android Kotlin Guides(,而且最近发现 Google 出的 Android 开发相关视频和教程里示例代码都是 Kotlin 的,所以想统计下国内目前有哪些比较知名的 App 已经全部或者部分使用 Kotlin 开发了,过段时间之后我会公布统计的结果。
本书号称『高速上手』,从内容上对二十一世纪二十年代之前产生 C++ 的相关特性做了非常相对全面的介绍,读者可以自行根据下面的目录选取感兴趣的内容进行学习,快速熟悉需要了解的内容。
You can now move symbol from your project to any library 🔁 and re-attach all the symbol instances to this library.