Android开发技术周报 Issue#169


  1. 未来将有更多支持虹膜识别的Android手机上线

  2. Android P 即将到来:首个开发者预览版在本月中旬上线

  3. 谷歌确认将限制Android非SDK接口使用了

  4. 基于Android 8.1的Lineage 15.1上线:小米三款手机可升级

  5. Android Wear SDK 和模拟器更新

  6. 漏洞奖励计划:2017 年度回顾

  7. IoT 开发者故事:Deeplocal


  1. Android Oreo 常见问题 4.0|Android 开发者 FAQ Vol. 12

  2. 推出Android KTX:为Android 提供更贴心的Kotlin 开发体验

  3. Flutter beta 1 重磅发布:开发精美的原生应用

开源库 & App

  1. Croller

    A circular seekbar for Android, with a control knob! (for the lack of a better word)

  2. Long-Shadows

    A library for efficiently generating and rendering beautiful long shadows in Android

  3. Awesome Flutter

    A curated list of awesome Flutter components, frameworks, libraries, and softwares

  4. ComponentCaller


  5. Mobius

    A functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side-effects.

  6. Virtualview-Android

    A light way to build UI in custom XML


  1. Refined GitHub

    Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features

  2. Gradle Circle Style

    A plugin for Gradle that summarizes failed Gradle builds in CircleCI, with special handling for Checkstyle and FindBugs failures.


  1. 基于 TensorFlow 的机器学习速成课程(中文版)

    本课程是 Google 制作的节奏紧凑、内容实用的机器学习简介课程,包含一系列视频讲座课程、实际案例分析和实践练习。


  1. 30 Seconds of CSS

    A curated collection of useful CSS snippets you can understand in 30 seconds or less

  2. Interview-Notebook

    📚 技术面试需要掌握的基础知识,持续更新中~

  3. Awesome Blockchain

    收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括 Fabric 和 Ethereum 开发资料

  4. awesome-cheatsheets

    超级速查表 - 编程语言、框架和开发工具的速查表,单个文件包含一切你需要知道的东西 ⚡️