Android开发技术周报 Issue#145
开源库 & App
Groupie helps you display and manage complex RecyclerView layouts.
高仿淘宝,网易新闻,微信,应用宝,环聊等等热门App的通知视图,并且完通知工具类的封装,提供多达8种最常见的App通知接口,支持Android 5.0悬浮式通知样式
Simplified Player wrapper for MediaPlayer and ExoPlayer
一款 Material Design 风格的快递跟踪查询应用
SwipeBackLayout is an android library that can finish a activity by using gesture.
A small Android library to get the market name of an Android device
CircularProgressbar project let you create circular progressbar in android
An powerful log processor
一个可视化, 并且能快速生成模拟数据的持久化服务
a fast and friendly git client for Mac
美团点评推出的 Android 漏洞扫描工具