Android开发技术周报 Issue#136


  1. Google发布Triangle:防止其它应用耗尽数据流量

  2. Google放出Android Things Console新预览

  3. 谷歌推出虚拟现实广告实验项目Area 120

  4. 一步到位 谷歌Pixel有望装配后置触摸装置

  5. 谷歌新Chromebook曝光:2K屏幕+Assistant专用按钮+指纹传感器

  6. Google最新AI实验:软件自动完成你的涂鸦


  1. GIF简述及其在QQ音乐的应用

  2. 微信Android模块化架构重构实践

  3. WebView 安全性的新功能

  4. 深入理解 Android 控件

开源库 & App

  1. VirtualAPK

    A powerful but lightweight plugin framework for Android

  2. SiliCompressor

    A powerful, flexible and easy to use Video and Image compression library for Android.


  1. Click-Thru Prototype

    Sketch plugin that creates a HTML click-through prototype of a website design

  2. ImageOptim Plugin for Sketch

    Automatically compresses images exported from Sketch with ImageOptim.

  3. Pencil

    An open-source GUI prototyping tool that's available for ALL platforms.


  1. HenCoder:给高级 Android 工程师的进阶手册
