Android开发技术周报 Issue#125


  1. [视频]Anbox让你在Linux上“原生运行”Android应用

  2. Android 之父又展示了一款神秘产品 猜对有奖

  3. [图]Android Pay增强银行间合作 一次点击就能完成银行卡添加


  1. Android OOM案例分析

  2. Android & 卡顿 & APP

  3. Android GC 原理探究

  4. Android App包瘦身优化实践

  5. 常见网络协议与演进

  6. RemoteViews详细解释

  7. 浅谈 Android Hook技术

开源库 & App

  1. PasscodeView

    PasscodeView is an Android Library to easily and securely authenticate user with PIN code or using the fingerprint scanner.

  2. MaterialChipsInput

    Implementation of Material Design Chips component for Android

  3. JSON Web Container

    HTML inside JSON Turns into Native App Components

  4. react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior

    react-native wrapper for android BottomSheetBehavior

  5. SuitLines


  6. Traceur

    Easier RxJava2 debugging with better stacktraces


  1. ANBOX

    Run Android applications on any GNU/Linux operating system


  1. 认知心理学告诉你什么才是高效学习