Android开发技术周报 Issue#113

开源库 & App
Repository for android animations Rx wrapper
A Music Player for android that renders beautiful DNA(Visualization) of the currently playing music.
VoronoiView is a view (ViewGroup) that allows you to add and display views inside Voronoi diagram regions.
Best ever Swipe maker library
A fully extensible and open source launcher for hackers, creators and dabblers.
包括快速切换显示布局边界、显示布局更新、强制 GPU 渲染、显示 GPU 视图更新、显示指针位置、严格模式、不保留活动、不锁定屏幕、查看屏幕、系统、硬件、虚拟机、网络、CPU、ID、快速开启设置、语言切换、我的应用等功能。
Import OpenStreetMap data into Unreal Engine 4
Markd is the quickest way to remember and organise people you find online.