Android开发技术周报特刊之RxJava&RxAndroid Issue#1
Reactive extension for Google's Smart Lock for Passwords API.
Utilities for use with rxjava.
Reactive caching library for Android and Java.
A lightweight wrapper around realm-java, which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations. (Inspired by square/sqlbrite)
Android Fingerprint authentication and encryption APIs wrapped in RxJava
RxJava binding APIs for Android's animations
RxJava implementation for the Android Firebase client.
RxJava binding APIs for Android's animations
Small library that wraps Account manager API in RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
This library has been built in order to help us in retrieving the different networks in range of the device providing the result as an Observable instead of relying on usual Android's Receiver paradigm.
Reactive Fitness API Library for Android and RxJava
Reactive Wearable API Library for Android and RxJava
Event Bus By RxJava
Android Audio encapsulation library, with part Rx support
Simple reactive wrapper for Android sensors
rxlint is (currently) a single lint check that checks if a rxjava subscriber is handling the onError() callback
Android library listening available WiFi Access Points and related information with RxJava Observables
This project contains sample code for Bluetooth communication This includes *Rx based click events *Rx based Bluetooth connection *Auto connect feature if the connection get lost
RxJava extension for Android Firebase Cloud Messaging (aka fcm).
An Android service to retrieve GPS locations and route stats using RxJava
Jake Wharton 在Øredev Conference 做的关于 RXJava Subscribers 的分享。